What Will You Decide?

“People become successful the minute they decide to be!” Think about that for a minute—are you deciding that you are going to reach your New Year’s resolutions and goals, or have you given up before you even begin? Success in […]

Gray is the New Neutral

Gray is the New Neutral…  OK, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that gray is cold and dreary and “What could those designers possibly be thinking?”  They are thinking WARM Gray and they aren’t just thinking it, […]

During a Divorce

If you are considering or are in the throes of divorce, please heed the advice provided in this article.  Reach out to local Certified Divorce Financial Analyst CDFA™ Donna S. Cates with Ameriprise Financial at 205.909.3126 or donna.s.cates@ampf.com 07/11/2011  |  […]